Thanks for stopping by! We know how much support women get during their pregnancy but what about you Dads? Well first things first, let's create Teambaby© guy style and give you a hand to get the resources and tools you need. Research shows that men who are given the opportunity to debrief events and changes in their life, dont suffer the same emotional and physical stress as men who aren't given that opportunity.
It's important for you to find support and men like yourselves who can understand these life changes that you are going through.There will be days when you come home from work and you walk in the door and the house is a mess, no tea is ready, nothing has been done and she has one of the faces on her. You know the one I mean right? Deep breath. You too need time for yourself to adjust to the changes in your relationship and your home life and feel prepared and confident in your role as a father. But where to go?
Sign up to your local childbirth and antenatal classes, yes, the ones with all the breathing and massage and stuff. Firstly you will more than likely make her a very happy woman, and secondly you will learn some great skills to support her during childbirth, thirdly you will meet guys in the same boat as you that you will be able to brain storm with and lets not forget the parenting skills. Men who are experiencing similar ups and downs that a new baby can bring, can find the support that Teambaby© needs meeting at the park, Sunday football or the pub. Its a win win!
There are now great resources and free downloads for you to tap into online so check out my blog Teambaby© for Dads to find out more. Don't forget to download any of the free resources or chill outs that are useful to you.
Mike Myers the Canadian Amercian Actor and Film Producer said,
" Anyone that tells you fatherhood is the greatest thing that can happen to you...are understating it"
It's important for you to find support and men like yourselves who can understand these life changes that you are going through.There will be days when you come home from work and you walk in the door and the house is a mess, no tea is ready, nothing has been done and she has one of the faces on her. You know the one I mean right? Deep breath. You too need time for yourself to adjust to the changes in your relationship and your home life and feel prepared and confident in your role as a father. But where to go?
Sign up to your local childbirth and antenatal classes, yes, the ones with all the breathing and massage and stuff. Firstly you will more than likely make her a very happy woman, and secondly you will learn some great skills to support her during childbirth, thirdly you will meet guys in the same boat as you that you will be able to brain storm with and lets not forget the parenting skills. Men who are experiencing similar ups and downs that a new baby can bring, can find the support that Teambaby© needs meeting at the park, Sunday football or the pub. Its a win win!
There are now great resources and free downloads for you to tap into online so check out my blog Teambaby© for Dads to find out more. Don't forget to download any of the free resources or chill outs that are useful to you.
Mike Myers the Canadian Amercian Actor and Film Producer said,
" Anyone that tells you fatherhood is the greatest thing that can happen to you...are understating it"